3 Steps to Create an Intentional Life

alignment balance busy distraction intentional living values Aug 04, 2022

Have you ever been spending time with people you care about, but secretly your mind was thinking about what you "should" be doing instead?

I have.

And it's a crappy feeling to know you aren't being present with those you care about.

Having a kid has made me much more aware of this, and although I'm not perfect I can say I've improved a lot with consistent practice.

Because when I'm playing with my son I want to be on the floor, face-to-face, giving him 100% of my attention. Not scrolling on my phone or attempting to answer emails.

If you're looking to live a more intentional and vibrant life, here's 3 things I recommend starting with:

1️⃣ Figure out your core values, strengths, and weaknesses

Figure out who you are as a woman and own it! The best way to do this is by taking a personality test, like the enneagram. Analyze your results and use them to learn about yourself.


2️⃣ Create space for reflection

Check-in on the things you did that you are proud of, review what you've accomplished, and any lessons you learned. Then, think about how you can show up differently. This is great to do both annually and monthly.


3️⃣ Get crystal clear on what you want 

Choose ONE goal that is the most important to you during this season of your life. Then take the time to map it out - what will it look like if you accomplished this goal? Break it down into big milestones, action steps, and daily or weekly practices that will get you closer to that goal.

 Speaking of living an intentional life,

Randee and I recently carved out time to think about how we can be intentional about providing connection, empowerment and support for the women in our tribe like you and we mapped out the first half of the year that we think you'll love.

If you’re wanting more support with your vision, goals, and execution...

We offer comprehensive 3 month coaching containers to really help you move the needle, as well as deep dive Strategy Sessions to help you get unstuck. (click here for more info)

If you want more connection & inspiration you can check our events page here. 


We really hope you make this year into something you're proud of.

And if there's any way we can support you in doing so, we'd be honored to play that role.

Just let us know at [email protected].

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