Ever hear the idea that if you don't build your own dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs?

We can relate with this, as we have experienced it first hand.

After college, China began working as a personal trainer and fitness instructor because she loved movement and health. Giving others the tools and accountability to build their best lives both in and out of the gym was rewarding and felt aligned with her values at the time. Plus she was able to create her own schedule, and had the flexibility to travel.

When the opportunity arose to be part of a budding health and fitness gym she jumped on it and bought in as a co-owner. Building a company from scratch was challenging and exciting. However six years into her business the excitement had worn off and even though her gym was thriving, and her clients were seeing success she felt less aligned with each passing day.

Determined to reignite her passion, China spent the next three years checking off all the boxes she thought would solve the problem. 

She signed up for weekend seminars and workshops to enhance her skills as a fitness professional. 
Next she focused on business development, revamping the space and aesthetics of the gym along with the systems and focusing on increasing the revenue. When that didn’t work she tried personal development courses and online masterminds. Although she made progress in each area, the feeling in her gut remained. She felt guilty for not being satisfied but she knew she was meant for more.
It finally dawned on her that she was building her business partner’s dream... not her own, and no matter what she did, this business wasn’t going to fulfill her. She was ready for a career change, but her next dilemma was to figure out her new vision.
Then one day Randee came along with a big idea. And this point she had been committed to empowering women for a decade. Her main goal was to enable other women to achieve a lifestyle where they stepped confidently towards their desires, making decisions in alignment with their values. 
To make a long story short, during Randee’s early twenties, she acted like a sponge soaking up knowledge left and right. She attended motivational workshops, sat in on purpose driven seminars, dove into business classes, researched the experts, joined mastermind classes and came out with a stronger sense of self after it all. This groundwork provided a foundation for clarity, self-awareness and stability in her life. She started noticing how it positively affected her personal and professional life in many different avenues and helped her spearhead two successful businesses, Age Management Institute, and Inner Warrior Project.
She was extremely inspired in her journey of self discovery and that’s when her “ah-ha” moment came - She wanted to share her experience and help others thrive in both their personal and professional lives.
That’s how her vision of creating a retreat weekend was born. The idea was a women’s empowerment weekend, complete with sought after guest speakers, plus all-inclusive food, wine, lodging and activities. 
It was this big idea that she presented to China. Randee was so hyped up on her vision that her excitement was contagious. After just one conversation China was in.
Both of our journeys taught us how important it is to regularly check in with ourselves on a deeper level. We wanted the Women Who Warrior brand to not only show women how to go inward, by assessing their values and how they want their lives to look, but to also (perhaps most importantly) go outward and discuss these ideas with new people to gain fresh perspectives.
In July of 2019 we actualized our passion project, The Women Who Warrior Retreat. As the event unfolded we realized how many women struggle with similar obstacles and how powerful it is to have the support of a like-minded tribe. After witnessing so many women experience breakthroughs and leave the retreat feeling ready to take action, we felt we owed it to them (and our younger selves) to create what we wished existed.
That’s why following the retreat, we developed an interactive workshop series featuring guest speakers to teach business and life skills to like-minded women. We established a Facebook group to connect and support women in their self-work journeys.
And we didn’t stop there. We decided to transform all our experiences, accumulated knowledge and best practices (working with the best high performance and business coaches) that we gathered over the years into a unique group coaching program.
Since we each had over a decade of experience coaching clients in the fitness and wellness space, managing our own teams and businesses, and investing in personal and business development programs, we saw the value in integrating both the business and wellness worlds together. 
We are so grateful for our life experiences that led us together. They allowed us to appreciate each client we’ve worked with and every obstacle we came up against while starting a small business. The more we got to know ourselves and what we wanted our lives to look like, the easier it was for us create the right opportunities and start designing our dream lives. And we want to help you do the same. 
Because we believe that the more people out there who are living vibrant and intentional lives, the bigger the ripple effect in our families and communities.
So if you’re feeling ready to make this year something you'll be proud of, and fast-track your results, connect with us about coaching to see if you'd be a good fit.

-China and Randee